Russia Blames Georgia in Double Standards
(Tbilisi, March 21, Civil Georgia) – Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement today claiming that Georgia plays double standards while on one hand announces fight against terrorist but on the other hand supports those militant groups destabilizing situation in Abkhazia.
It is said in the statement that two groups of Georgian guerrillas – “White Legion” and “Forest Brothers”, which are supported by Georgian government, hinder the return of refugees to their homes in Abkhazia.
The statement followed the incident occurred in Abkhazia in recent days when four Russian peacekeepers were kidnapped and exchanged in two Georgians kept by the Abkhazian side.
Head of the Tbilisi-based Abkhazian government [in exile] Tamaz Nadareishvili claims that the two above-mentioned groups have nothing to do with terrorism and they are partisans fighting for their native land.