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Mikheil Saakashvili Blames the MIA in Cooperating with Russia


The Akhali Taoba; The Resonance; The Dilis Gazeti

Mikheil Saakashvili went up against Minister of Internal Affairs Kakha Targamadze again. As always the Akhali Taoba is cynical about the ex-Minister of Justice: “Mikeil Saakashvili occurred in a new mood and this time got interested in the hard situation in Abkhazia”.

Saakashvili and his team members held a press conference yesterday. They said the events occurring in Kodori Gorge lead to hazardous provocation. The events have nothing to do with returning Abkahzia to Georgia. They are planned to declare war condition in the country, overthrow the President and let Kakha Targamadze and other pro-Russian forces come to power, he said.

The Resonance supports the idea of Saakashvili’s team members about better informing the population: “It is obvious that people are very bad informed about the situation in the country. They have already started talking about renovation of war in Abkhazia and destabilization in the country”. It seems the newspaper agrees with Saakashvili on the idea about Abkhazia. 

“Targamadze’s leaving for Moscow again. I’m sure he will get new instructions there”, Saakashvili stated.

Kakha Targamadze responded the accusations with a press conference. Of course he denied all of them and called Saakashvili an unhealthy person. He said he was leaving for Moscow after the President’s directive. He was to visit Russia on September 20 but the visit was delayed because of the tense situation created in Georgia. The Dilis Gazeti wonders why the Minister is leaving the country now when the condition there is much tenser.