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President Intends to Reincarnate the Government

The Akhali Taoba; The Dilis Gazeti; The Resonance

(Tbilisi. November 13. Civil Georgia) – After the President had dismissed all the ministers everybody was interested in who would occupy the positions. “When relations between the central government and the region got closer it was though that persons from Adjara Autonomous Republic might take some posts. But somehow the President got locked in his shell again”, the Akhali Taoba says.

The Dilis Gazeti calls the government staff the President intends to propose to the Parliament today reincarnated and says that the executive government starts to “revive”.

The paper writes about the individual candidates and says the majority of them represent old, yet unforgotten faces. Georgian press assumes that it will be difficult for the President to have his candidates approved in the Parliament. “Future heads of economy blocks and law enforcement agencies are especially under danger”, the Dilis Gazeti considers.

According to the Resonance, it is especially hard for the President to select candidates of the law enforcement ministers. “The most upsetting thing is that he was not able to find a person in these departments who would not be regarded as untrustworthy”, the Resonance says. It is positive that the President will select the candidates out of teams of the resigned ministers anyway. “The sum does not change with exchanging the old faces!” – the paper states.

“These departments support interests of “family groups” and smugglers… Politicians consider today that structure as well as staff of the Ministries of State Security and Internal Affairs needs to be completely reformed”, the Resonance says.

Except proposing candidatures of ministers to the Parliament President Shevardnadze plans to implement structural modifications in the executive branch. He intends to reduce the number of ministries from 18 to 15. “MPs are not sure about their positions concerning the matter yet”, the Dilis Gazeti reports.