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Parliament Sessions Weekly Review, Extraordinary Session. November 28-30, 2001


1. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Malkhaz Kakabadze as the minister of Extraordinary Issues of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Malkhaz Kakabadze touched events happening in ministry. He noted that international community participation in conflict resolutions enlarged after creation the ministry of Extraordinary Issues. Kakabadze informed that UN Security Council is going to discuss the change of CIS peacekeeping mandate in conflict zone nearest future.

Hamlet Chipashvili from “Revivals” considered unconstitutional the existence of the ministry and didn’t exclude its cancellations on the basis of changes to executive authority law. 

For – 163
Against – 9

2. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Sesili Gogiberidze as the minister of Culture of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Sesilis Gogiberidze declared that Culture ministry uses program financing step by step. She noted that it would give more effect in any sphere of culture.

For – 167
Against – 14

3. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Valeri Vashakidze as the minister of Refugee and Accommodation of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Valeri Vashakidze in his program word concentrated on economic situation of refugees. According to him it’s necessary to pass suitable changes in Tax Code to improve compact living refugee conditions. Vashakidze paid attention to development of small business of refugees and state support on it.

For – 155
Against – 11


1. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Davit Kirvalidze as the minister of Agriculture of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Davit Kirvalidze spoke on positive tendencies in ministry referring to humanitarian program change with developing one. According to him foodstuff program restored that gave privilege to budget. Minister candidate informed that next two years Georgia will get 50 million GEL as the present; half of it will be directed to programs and the other half to social sphere.

Voting postponed.

2. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Merab Adeishvili as the minister of Transport and Communication of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Merab Adeishvili spoke on ministry reform project by which regulation and political functions are isolated. On the basis of decreased funds from budget middle salary will reach 400 GEL. Adeishvili also paid attentions to huge international transport projects.

Voting postponed.

3. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Davit Mirtskhulava as the minister of Fuel and Energy of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Davit Mirtskhulava promised to have much better winter 2001-02 then it was before, but he couldn’t avoid anger of MPs. Factions “Socialist”, “CUG”, “Industry”, “New Abkhazia”, “Traditionalist”, “XXI century”, “Revival”, “Majorette” demanded energy crisis studying commission and general prosecutor to study activity of leadership of Fuel-Energy ministry. The main reason of demand became Control Chamber report. Many MPs were asking Sulkhan Molashvili to come in Parliament and represent materials. Finally, extraordinary bureau decided to postpone the issue for the next week.

Voting postponed.


At the beginning of the sessions MP Davit Magradze made quite unexpected statement on leaving MP mandate. He stated that didn’t want to stay in the center of dirty political agreements and found this protest way out.

1. Resolution decree on “agreeing the approval Avtandil Jorbenadze as the minister of Health and Social Protection of Georgia”

Parliament secretary of president Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented minister candidature.

Mikheil Saakashvili and Lado Chipashvili critical speeches destroyed MPs’ “toast” tone towards Avtandil Jorbenadze person and activity. Saakashvili expressed pretences not only against Jorbenadze but entire government and Parliament, that approves resigned ministers without any problem against population will.

Voting postponed.

2. Resolution decree on “electing Nugzar Gabrichidze as the General Prosecutor of Georgia”

Parliamentary secretary of President Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented Nugzar Gabrichidze candidature.

General Prosecutor candidature spoke on future reforms in Prosecutor. He stated that qualifications examinations would clear out respectful persons occupying the posts. This process will have apolitical form. Gabrichidze promised MPs to investigate all noisy issues operatively.

Chairwoman of Human Right committee Elene Tevdoradze criticized candidature estimating him as not principle and easy ordered person.

For – 196
Against – 4