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Most of the Ex-Ministers Back on Their Posts

(Tbilisi. December 4. Civil Georgia) – The Parliament approved 8 ministerial candidates today. All of them are holdovers from the previous government.

Zurab Nogaideli is re-appointed on the Finance Minister’s post, Davit Mirtskulava on the Energy Minister’s post, Davit Kirvalidze on the post of the Agriculture Minister, Merab Adeishvili on the Transport and Communication Minister’s post, Avtandil Jorbenadze on the Ministry of Health and Social Security, Levan Dzneladze – Tax Revenue Minister, Merab Chkhenkeli – Minister of Urbanization and Construction and Giorgi Gachechiladze is approved on Economy, Industry and Trade Minister’s post.

Only Environment and Natural Resources Protection, State Property Management and State Ministries posts remain vacant.

Nino Chkhobadze – ex-nominee on the Environment and Natural Resources Protection Minister’s post – is the only candidate so far whose candidature was disapproved by the Parliament.

President Shevardnadze sacked the entire government on November 1, in the wave of the mass protests.

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