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Parliament Finally Fooling the Society

The Resonance; The Dilis Gazeti

(Georgian Press Digest. Civil Georgia. 06.12.01.) – State officials used public demonstrations held in the beginning of November for their own ambitions. Instead of real changes the demonstrators were insisting on the country has exactly the same executive and legislative branches of government, the Resonance says. It assumes that people have finally lost faith in the Parliament.

When the old ministers were reappointed a point of view was established that state officials do not care about the hard conditions in the country and do not think too much about how to put the country out of the dead-end, the Dilis Gazeti says.

Preliminary parliamentary elections become essential because of crisis in the country, but head of the parliament Nino Burjanadze presumes that the parliament should fulfill its term till the end in order to keep stability in the country. If preliminary elections become necessary anyway it should not take place in the frames of the existing election law.

Head of the parliament is not satisfied with reappointing the old ministers by MPs but hopes that the Parliament will discuss the matter of Cabinet of Ministers and the appointed government will be replaced soon. The Resonance, on the other hand, considers that the President may forget his latest promise about establishing the Cabinet of Ministers and have the parliament appoint a weak person acceptable for him on the position of State Minister.

As a result of governmental deals the country is on the edge of destabilization. The population, mostly students, is holding demonstrations again. The Dilis Gazeti presumes that the demonstrations pose threat to already spoiled moral of Georgian society.