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Some MPs Demand UN Special Envoy to Be Expelled

(Tbilisi. December 25. Civil Georgia) – The Parliamentary faction New Right Wing asked the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to call off UN Special Representative Dieter Boden form Georgia.

Davit Gamkrelidze, the faction chairman criticized Dieter Borden’s demand to withdraw Georgian forces from Kodori gorge, the only territory of breakaway region of Abkhazia controlled by the Georgian government.

Last week MP Guram Sharadze, member of the Industrialists faction proposed to expel Dieter Boden from Georgia and accused him in supporting government of the unrecognized Abkhaz Republic.

On December 24 President Shevardnadze condemned statements of the MPs concerning UN special envoy, “He is a person who can be quite useful for Georgia,” Eduard Shevardnadze.

Dieter Boden, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General is in charge of UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) which deployes UN monitors along the conflict line in Abkhazia. Special Representative also undertakes diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.