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MPs Debate on Local Self-Governance Elections

Parliamentary session renewed discussion of amendments to the elections code and law on local self-governance elections on April 10.

The main disagreement causes issue of election of city mayors and heads of provincial districts.

The majority of Parliamentary factions support elections of the city mayors and the heads of districts and are against of their appointment by the President as it is now, while pro-Presidential factions try to maintain the existing situation.

The second issue that causes disagreement is rule of forming of central electoral commission.

The part of factions insist that the commissions should be composed under a parity principle: each party, which surpassed 4% barrier in last elections, will appoint one member of the commission. There are only 9 such parties.

The Revival Parliamentary bloc, that lobbies interests of Adjarian Autonomy in the Parliament, demands appointment of the representative of the autonomous republic to the commissions.

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