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The State Minister Proposes MPs to Vote on His Resignation

(Tbilisi, July 3, Civil Georgia) – State Minister Avtandil Jorbenadze stated at the Parliamentary special session on July 2 that he is ready to resign in case the Parliament decides this way. “I have no problem concerning this, vote now,” Jorbenadze told the MPs.

The Traditionalists faction initiated collection of the signatures of MPs to start discussion of impeachment of State Minister Avtandil Jorbenadze. MPs supporting the Traditionalists claim that the State Minister is responsible for the budgetary shortfall. Shortfall consisted up to 38 million Lari (approximately USD 18 million).

Jorbenadze says that some of the MPs try to “politicize economy, that is inadmissible”. The State Minister stated that he has already dismissed Finance and Tax Revenue Minister, who were responsible for the budgetary fulfillment and merged these two ministries. The State Minister says that these changes had a positive influence on the budgetary fulfillment.    

To start the discussion over the impeachment 118 signatures of MPs are necessary. At the moment together with the Traditionalists, the Democrats, New Rights, Movement for Democratic Reforms factions support the initiative. All these four factions can collect only 59 Parliamentarians’ signatures.

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