Despite the demand of the MP candidates in the Rustavi single-mandate constituency to postpone the elections in the city, President Shevardnadze is against postponing the November 2 elections in Rustavi.
“I do not think it is necessary to postpone the elections. It should be held in due terms,” Shevardnadze said on November 1.
The controversy regarding the elections in Rustavi was triggered because of the mess in the voter lists.
Chairperson of the Central Election Commission Nana Devdariani supported the demand of the MP candidates running for the Rustavi single-mandate constituency.
“Under such conditions [mess in voter lists] it is impossible to hold elections. I think we should postpone the voting,” Nana Devdariani said, adding that CEC could not discuss the issue because it is prohibited to hold a CEC meeting a day before the elections.
The MP candidates of the Rustavi single-mandate constituency urge to raise the issue of responsibility of the Chairman of the district election commission.