The newly appointed governor of the Shida Kartli region Irakli Okruashvili decided to blow up by-roads used for transportation of the smuggled goods in Georgia from Russia, via Georgia’s breakaway South Ossetia.
Special purpose unit of the State Security Ministry was dispatched to Shida Kartli, which exploded TNT to damage by-roads.
“There are around 50 by-roads in the region, of course we can not destroy all of them, as many of them pass through villages. But even damaging of several by-roads will be a blow for smugglers,” Irakli Okruashvili said.
The market at Ergneti village in the South Ossetian conflict zone has emerged as a largest market of smuggled goods in Georgia.
Governor of Kvemo Kartli region vowed to curb the contraband however admitted that it would be impossible in the near future. He said the prime goal is to reduce the smuggling at first.
He has sacked several police officials in the region, who were allegedly involved in the smuggling business.