The Parliamentary and Non-Parliamentary Opposition Got United
Negotiations between the ruling party and the opposition concerning the electoral commission have reached a dead end. Jemal Gogitidze, leader of the parliamentary minority, announced yesterday that the opposition would not support the idea of completing electoral commission with non-governmental organizations, which is the suggestion of the ruling party. Zhvania (head of the parliament) has criticized the opposition saying that its members change their positions on completing electoral commissions quite frequently.
The parliamentary opposition met representatives of non-parliamentary parties. They basically spoke about the burning issues debated in the Parliament and pointed out that non-governmental organizations are not reliable. One of the main claims on them was that `they are financed from abroad and have very warm relations with certain political parties` (`the Akahli Taoba`).
`The Akahli Taoba` covers the meeting of oppositional factions and parties in a very cynic way. `Gogitidze calls the opposition for a more active actions and suggest them to hold a huge meeting in the Sports Hall. For anybody not to blame him that he wills destabilization in the country, insures himself and says that he is against street meeting`.
`The Resonance`, on the other hand, keeps neutrality and covers the facts without any comment.