Shevardnadze Reminds Russia of Giorgadze Case
(Tbilisi. November 12. Civil Georgia) – “When demanding detention and extradition of the criminals from Georgia, I would like to remind Russian authorities Igor Giorgadze’s case” – said President Shevardnadze on November 12th.
An international arrest warrant has been issued in connection with Giorgadze’s alleged role in the August 1995 attempt on Shevardnadze’s life. Georgia unsuccessfully keeps demanding from the Russian side extradition of Giorgadze.
Statement of the Georgian President is a reply to demand of Russian Prosecutor-General of November 10 to capture Chechen field commander Ruslan Gelaev and extradite him to Russia.
On November 7 Shevardnadze has admitted Gelaev’s presence in Georgia.