Political Parties’ Reactions to Blast Hitting Opposition MP’s Car

Explosion late evening of August 4 ripped off rear of MP Givi Targamadze’s car, which remained on the scene next morning as police were investigating the crime scene. Photo: Eana Korbezashvili/Civil.ge

Below are reactions of some parties and political leaders to an explosion of a car of opposition lawmaker from UNM party, Givi Targamadze.

MP Targamadze and his driver survived in a car blast late on Tuesday evening, few days before the October 8 parliamentary elections, in the center of Tbilisi, close to Freedom Square; four by-passers were injured. Police investigate the case as “an attempted murder in aggravating circumstances.”

UNM opposition party released the following English-language statement:
“The explosion – which bears all signs of a pre-planned terrorist act – is a major escalation of the already deteriorating election environment. The pre-election period has been marred with string of violence against opposition, including shooting at an opposition independent candidate in Gori, multiple violent disruptions of opposition campaign events and, most importantly, Government’s policy of impunity of perpetrators.
Mr Targamadze has been a staunch fighter for Georgia’s sovereignty and [fighter against] the erosion of its national security apparatus vis-à-vis Russia since 2012. Mr Targamadze has also been targeted by the Russian Federation itself which has already convicted him for alleged coup attempt there. At home, Mr Targamadze has been particularly targeted by the State Security Service deputy chief Ioseb Gogashvili who is de facto boss of the service and accountable to oligarch [ex-PM] Bidzina Ivanishvili.

We do not accuse anyone directly until evidence has been presented in the court of law. However, what happened is a result of climate instigated by Mr Ivanishvili’s governance. Refusal of the Government of Georgia to punish perpetrators of violent attack on UNM leaders in Kortskheli – with the perpetrators appearing on Georgian Dream campaign events, next to its leaders – as well as shooting at an independent candidate in Gori in addition to numerous other violent incidents and their impunity have created very dangerous election environment in the run up to the elections.

As only three days are left before the elections the government’s constant talk of bloodshed and coups indicates the dangerous course its leader Bidzina Ivanishvili has chosen and [which] is aimed at instigating fear among voters. Despite all this, UNM remains focused on its election platform and intends to defeat Georgian Dream in peaceful elections and implement its election programme without political retribution.“ 

Executive secretary and MP candidate of ruling GDDG party Irakli Kobakhidze:

“We want to react to the heinous crime committed in Tbilisi yesterday. Although it’s up to the investigation to find out motives of this crime, we have a solid reason to suppose that this act is directly related to the ongoing political and electoral processes in Georgia.

It is alarming that shortly after this crime, representatives of the [United] National Movement voiced allegations against the Georgian Dream and the authorities, which we cannot leave without strong reaction.

The yesterday’s act further strengthened our belief that there are people in Georgia, who are ready to do anything to pursue their unbridled desire to seize power. We strictly warn these people to reject their criminal intentions and not try to cast shadow on democratic electoral process.

We call on all local and international observation organizations to closely monitor… election processes in order to prevent any attempt of stirring destabilization and provocations. We express hope that law enforcement agencies will identify promptly motives and perpetrators of this crime.”

Davit Usupashvili, leader of Republican Party and chairman of outgoing parliament:

“No matter which party they support, from which country the processes are ruled, let’s deprive them a target – we are their target; let’s tell them very firmly that we make a choice in favor of our country and not in favor of those people, who are now pointing their fingers at each other and blaming each other. There is a blame game, but we have other facts, which indicate that the both forces are ready to do deplorable things.

I do not accuse any of them of plotting a murder, but I can see that the both sides are ready and capable of committing such things for election purposes, which should not be committed – to tell a lie, when it is inadmissible; to stir up hatred in the society, when hatred is inadmissible; to split the society that should not be done; and today we are reaping the results of hatred that has been sown.

Irakli Alasania, leader of the Free Democrats party:

“Electoral environment is becoming tenser. Actually every day we see very grave cases, which create unhealthy election environment. Several days are left before elections, therefore, all such cases have political nature. Few days before the elections a car of Georgian lawmaker was blown up in the center of Tbilisi. The investigation has to find out motive and circumstances of this heinous crime, but the fact itself of targeting a politician in explosion, creates sense of defenselessness and lack of security in and weakening of the state.

It is alarming that organized criminals carry out such acts freely and keep the society in terror. We, Free Democrats, call on everyone to refrain from making hasty and unjustified conclusions. We call on the Georgian government and law enforcement agencies to assume the responsibility for holding democratic, fair elections in the country, because holding elections with gunshots and explosions means endangering the democratic development of our country. We demand it from the government and the ruling party, because entire responsibility about how things will develop lies with them.”

Paata Burchuladze, leader of State for People election bloc:

“This is a terrorist act. No such terrorist act has occurred in Georgia since the 1990s. Full responsibility lies with the authorities. We demand this terrorist act to be investigated promptly, before the [October 8 parliamentary] elections.” 

Nino Burjanadze, leader of the Democratic Movement:

“Naturally, the government should do its utmost to investigate this case promptly. But taking into consideration the previous investigations, conducted by the authorities, I do not hope that we will learn the truth about this case.

It [targeting opposition MP in a car explosion] should not be in the government’s interest, because what has happened is a blow for government and for the country. I cannot voice any allegation without having any evidence. I am interested in one thing and that is putting an end to such [developments] in the country once and for all.”

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